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Selasa, 08 Juli 2014



Naruto Shippuuden Season 1 :
Episode 001-032

Episode 1 - Homecoming (Kepulangan

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Episode 2 - The Akatsuki Makes its Move (Akatsuki Membuat Pergerakannya)

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Episode 3 - The Results Of Training (Hasil dari Latihan)

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Episode 4 - The Jinchuriki of The Sand (Jinchuriki Suna)

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Episode 5 - The Kazekage stands tall (Pendirian tinggi Kazekage)

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Episode 6 - Mission Cleared (Misi Selesai)

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Episode 7 - Run, Kankuro (Lari, Kankuro)

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Episode 8 - Team Kakashi, Deployed (Tim Kakashi, Dikerahkan)

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Episode 9 - The Jinchuriki's Tears (Air Mata Jinchuriki)

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Episode 10 - Sealing jutsu: Nine phantom Dragons

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Episode 11 - The Medical Ninja's Student (Murid Ninja Medis)

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Episode 12 - The Retired Granny's Determination (Keinginan Wanita tua yang sudah pensiun)

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Episode 13 - A Meeting With Destiny (Sebuah Pertemuan dengan Takdir)

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Episode 14 - Naruto's Growth (Perkembangan Naruto)

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Episode 15 - The Secret Weapon is Called (Senjata Rahasia Dikeluarkan)

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Episode 16 - The Secret Of Jinchuriki (Rahasia Jinchuriki)

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Episode 17 - The Death Of Gaara (Kematian Gaara)

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Episode 18 - Charge Tactic! Button Hook Entry!! (Taktik Penyerangan! Memasuki medan perang!!)

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Episode 19 - Traps Activate! Team Guy's Enemy (Jebakan Aktif! Musuh Tim Guy!!)

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Episode 20 - Hiruko Vs Two Kunoichi (Hiruko Vs Dua Kunoichi)

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Episode 21 - Sasori Real's Face (Wajah asli Sasori)

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Episode 22 - Chiyo's Secret Skills (Teknik Rahasia Chiyo)

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Episode 23 - Father And Mother (Ayah dan Ibu)

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Episode 24 - The Third Kazekage (Kazekage Ketiga)

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Episode 25 - Three Minutes Between Life And Death (Tiga menit antara Hidup dan Mati)

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Episode 26 - Puppet Fight: 10 vs 100 (Pertarungan Boneka: 10 Vs 100)

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Episode 27 - Impossible Dream (Impian yang mustahil)

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Episode 28 - Beats: Alive Again! (Dikalahkan: Hidup Lagi)

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Episode 29 - Kakashi Enlightened! (Pencerahan Kakashi!)

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Episode 30 - Aesthetics Of An Instant (Keindahan dalam sekejap)

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Episode 31 - The Legacy (Warisan)

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Episode 32 - Return Of The Kazekage (Kembalinya Kazekage)

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